Get To Know Us
Who We Are
Hello! I’m Donna Rice. My husband, Cliff, and I have spent thousands of hours in our professional lives working with families and hearing both the victories and woes of family life. We’ve learned a lot and taken to heart the need for thoughtful and intentional actions to convey not only monetary wealth but more importantly, the treasures of family wisdom and love, to future generations.
We've been grandparents for awhile now and we’re working to incorporate the wisdom gleaned from from our faith, our many life experiences, and even our professional lives, into creating our own family legacy. We have over a dozen grandchildren scattered across the country and we are blessed beyond measure as we watch their young lives unfold. We want to be a positive influence in their lives and work together with our children to launch our Grands into their best possible future.

Like all families, we live through struggles. But. Love. Love can overcome all struggles.
Love is a verb. As grandparents, loving our Grands means acting thoughtfully and intentionally to provide the foundation future generations need to thrive.

What We Do
By profession, Cliff and I are estate planning attorneys. We've worked with and learned from many families over the years. We’ve seen a steady increase in grandparents who are actively involved in raising their grandchildren. We've also seen many who are struggling with changing societal values and family dysfunction. While we can help with the planning and financial side of that equation as estate planning attorneys, there haven’t been many resources available to share with people who want to be more involved and active in the process of passing down family values and engaging with their grandchildren in positive ways.
That’s why we started Grandparenting A to Z.
​We know there are thousands of grandparents out there who want to do more than just share photos on Facebook. These individuals want to build strong, loving bonds with their grandchildren using their unique grandparenting styles. They want to help young family members learn and grow into responsible adults. And they want to help their own children face the challenges of raising children in the twenty first century. Between rearing our own six children in light of divorce and blended family issues, our time as grandparents, and professional or ministerial experiences, we’ve just about seen it all.

Grandparents, it’s time to get intentional about being a grandparent and what you pass down to your children and grandchildren.
You won’t be with them forever on the earth, but you will leave impressions that will endure throughout their lives. Let’s make grandparenting a verb.

With Grandparenting A to Z, we’re building a library of expert resources and assembling a community of supportive grandparents committed to building their own family legacy. We hope you’ll join us as we take on what it means to be an outstanding grandparent, from planning for fun activities to handling serious issues like divorce, illness, or addiction. Take a look at what’s new in our Grandparenting A to Z blog to learn more about how to gain access to the full Grandparenting A to Z community and resource library.