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Creating a Spiritual Legacy [Part One]

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Today our guest writer, DiAnn Mills, will be starting a series of posts discussing the importance of creating a spiritual legacy. We’re so excited to welcome her to the GPAZ blog!

Grandchildren — We love them, treasure them, remember the special times, and laugh over their antics, I watched my grandchildren take on unique personalities and sensed a need to leave more behind than an image of me as their Mimi; photos; the books I’d written; or the many hours of being with them. Although quality time and memory makers are critical to our legacy. I wanted to give them something tangible, lasting long after I was gone.

We have a responsibility to leave our values to those we love. We won’t always be there for our grandchildren, so the idea of leaving a spiritual legacy meant a lot to me. And it may mean a lot to you too.

My desire was linked to my life verse:

Jeremiah 20:9 NIV But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.

All of us leave a legacy. If we can show strength through our challenges and give God the glory, our legacy is a spiritual one. We want to provide wisdom by showing how we learned from our mistakes and grew to become better people.

Your spiritual legacy is not like mine, but what’s important is laying the foundation for loved ones to see Jesus in us, which makes what we leave behind a sweet fragrance of our faith.

What is the one thing you want to pass on to your grandchildren? What paths have you taken and are not afraid to talk about?

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