It’s never too early to start praying for your future Grands! Several years before any of our grandchildren were born we felt God urging us to pray for them. Those prayers created an interesting sense of anticipation and an early connection. By the time the babies started arriving, we had already engaged emotionally with both the idea of being grandparents and the beautiful little people we saw as answers to our prayers.

Each child came along with their own story, timing, and personality. We watched as God unfolded this new season in our lives and were delighted to see who was joining the family with each birth.
Ideas for Praying for Your Future Grands
If you are not a grandparent yet or have friends that are not, here are some things to add to your prayers as you think about future Grands.
Their parents – Pray that they would be ready for the challenges and joys of parenting. Pray that they would value and protect their little ones in a challenging world.
The decision to have children or fertility issues – If your children are uncertain about having children or perhaps struggling with infertility, pray for wisdom and guidance moving forward. Some people genuinely don’t wish to have children, others are frightened about the heavy responsibility in a difficult world. Some people may never be able to conceive, but might consider options to bring children into the family via adoption. Pray for the right solution for your family’s unique situation.
Health – Of course, we all want to see healthy babies. The Bible says God knits us together in our mother’s womb. Pray for healthy, happy babies.
Sound minds – After watching families struggling with Alzheimer’s patients, I’ve prayed for sound minds for all of my family. Again, the Scripture speaks to this directly and we can pray always that our family members have sound minds full of clarity and solid reasoning powers.
Friends and spouses – Pray that as your grandchildren grow, they have good friends and one day, compatible, loving spouses.
Wisdom – Pray that you and your children exercise wisdom in rearing Grands. Our world is changing extremely fast and we need the wisdom to guide the younger generations.
Finally, but of extreme importance, pray that your Grands come to appreciate the values and faith your family holds dear.
What are you praying for?
We treasure the time we spent praying for our Grands before they were born. It added another layer of love to their arrival. God chose these children to join our family. Each one came perfectly prepared and fitted to our unique blend of hearts. It’s been a wonderful experience to watch them grow and join in the circle of love.
As I close out today’s post, I say again, it’s never too early to start praying for your future Grands. Give them the gift of an early spiritual blessing.