One of the hardest things grandparents have to remember at times is that when holidays and gift-giving come around, we need to allow parents the privilege of being first gifters. It’s so easy to get caught up and want to do all the things we did for our own children when they were young. But caution is wisdom! We need to have wisdom in giving. We don’t want to steal away the delight parents have from doing special gifts during holidays.

Coordination is key here. Take time to talk to the primary gift-shopping parent of your grandchildren and find ways to coordinate and complement the holiday gifts of parents. If parents are doing Easter baskets, maybe grandparents can buy special outfits. If parents are gifting pets, maybe grandparents can gift supplies for the new family addition. Just a reminder, but don’t ever give a pet without permission! Remember, pets come with a long commitment for everyone involved. You don’t want to be remembered as the source of frustration when a puppy piddles or a kitty scratches the furniture.
Here are five considerations for gifting:
Preferences of parents.
Allergies of all household members.
Needs of grandchildren.
Wants, yes, within reason a part of the joy of grandparenting is simply giving something that is purely a want!
Gentle lessons can be incorporated into gifting. Teachable moments are real. Whether it’s family history, family values, or good manners, open the hearts and minds of your grandchildren when gifting. It’s a two-for-one way to give!
What is a memorable gift you received from a Grandparent when you were a child? How are you trying to have wisdom in giving this year?